
Stop Calling It The “Democratic" Party

The American people don’t want to be ruled by the deep state.

This morning, Jeh Johnson, the former Secretary of Homeland Security under Obama, went on MSNBC to make the case for Joe Biden's stay in the race.

"A presidency is more than just one man… I would take Joe Biden at his worst day at age 86 so long as he has people around him like Avril Haines, Sam Power, Gina Raimondo supporting him, over Trump any day."

I’m sorry, but democracy doesn’t work that way. Americans elected Joe Biden, not Avril Haines, Sam Power, and Gina Raimondo.

Sure — all presidents rely on unelected advisors. But at the end of the day we expect that the person the majority voted for will make the decisions.

That’s clearly not the case with Biden. As we saw in the debate, he’s unable to speak clearly. And that means he’s unable to think clearly.

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