I find it hard to shake the notion that this is what it looks like when a civilization decides to commit suicide.

In terms of material prosperity and technological achievement the United States has never been richer. But for whatever reason there is a class of people with a powerful drive for national self harm. That these wounds are all self inflicted rather than stemming from antagonistic forces external to the country--it's madness.

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follow the money-not that i know for sure who all the monied influencers are, but i feel that they are globalists who often utilize NGOs which hide funding.

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"A civilization cannot be destroyed from without until it has destroyed itself from within." - Wil and Ariel Durant.

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I'm not sure I agree with that. I'm not religious at all, yet I am not amoral and I have a sense of responsibility and civic duty.

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There is no evidence of this. In fact, other countries that are much more secular than the US have successfully addressed these same problems.

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Christian bigoted nut jobs have to frame everything into one simplistic formula, that the commie atheists are to blame for everything, and science is not real. Anything that makes them have to think or feel uncomfortable has to be the work of the Devil.

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Antinomian secularism has destroyed them. The flavor of secularism that rejects personal moral standards. That is not interchangeable with secularism. I have Catholic friends who point at LGBT activist excesses and associate them with failure to bash gays out of public life and back into the closet where they belong. They do not believe that anyone is actually gay except as a moral failing. Those people are no better then antinomian secularists because their Christianity also rejects personal moral standards.

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The extremists are trying to turn the discovery process of one's own sexuality into a gender choice process. That's indefensible. There's plenty of room for ambiguity and plenty of time until adulthood. None of this gender stuff should be discussed with people under 18 and no medical procedures should be performed, including drugs, until the person is 18. I think everyone should agree on that, including LGBTQ people.

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It is the result of massive commercialism, consumerism, narcissism, and greed -- the real opiate of the people.

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I recently lived a few blocks from Venice Beach for 3.5 yrs so I feel like I've seen all of this up close and wanted to add my 2 cents:

I feel like what we're witnessing in Cali is the traditional ethos of "Live and Let Live/If It Feels Good Do It" has been supplanted (or augmented) by the more rigid and fundamentalist Woke Victim religion, where all of us are labeled Victim or Oppressor with the former being innocent and holy and the latter being guilty and suspect. (And it's important to recognize that every person with influence in Cali, whether in politics arts journalism social work etc, is either a Woke True Believer or at least pretends to be one).

This is why it's become impossible to say NO to anyone in a recognized Victim class, it is a taboo and blasphemous, and could also be social and/or career suicide, as it might make you look like a conservative/Republican, which is the biggest Cali taboo of all.

Cali is to the Woke Victim Religion what the Vatican City is to Catholicism: there's no getting ahead unless you are a member of the Church in good standing, and every idea and policy has to first and foremost agree with Holy Dogma, with reason or logic or results a secondary concern.

And once a state religion has been established and is safe and secure in power, I'm not sure how or when that ends.

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wow good description. However, I do know of many business people in film as well as merchants, restaurant owners etc who are not woke. You also have certain ethnic groups there who def don't cleave to dem orthodoxies, in my personal experience.

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oh for sure, i never meant to imply that the new religious orthodoxy is 100% shared by all, just that anyone in any position of power (esp in journalism, academia, media, Tech, and the reigning Democratic party) is either a True Believer or has to at least pretend to be one.

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100K per person per year? I have lived inside the USA and out for considerably less money per year. 25k would get a couple by nicely (safe, middle class) in a few different South-East Asian or South American nations. Mind-boggling that so much money can be spent for so little in the way of results. 50K a year in South Dakota, West Virginia, and several other USA states or counties within, and you're good for sure.

According to a quick search, and this sounds mostly right:

* The median household income in the US in 2019 was $68,703

* The average annual real wage in 2019 in the US was $65,836

Plenty of households getting by -- and some doing it quite well -- on less than 100K a year.

Yes, we need to help "those experiencing houseless-ness." But how can spending so much money per person with so little in the way of beneficial outcomes be morally justifiable?

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The homeless industrial complex, that’s how.

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As a mental health professional, I simply cannot comprehend how anyone can be on an advisory board and agree with/approve a program like this. This goes beyond government waste and corruption. When you become disgusted with the public policies in California and decide to move, Texas is FULL.

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This is progressivism at it's worst or best I am not really sure. But, you know what? Everyone of the people in power making these horrendous decisions, if up for reelection today, would get reelected. If you don't like what you see vote the MF's out. However, that will never happen and 5, 10 years from now it will be worse.

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I wonder how much a large part of this has to do with contracting out services. If San Francisco was required instead, to hire its own employees to run these programs — thereby removing the economics of the homeless industrial complex — would we see improvement. As it stands, these contractors — much like private prisons — have a strong disincentive at having anything actually improve.

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If you wonder why so many addicts to come to CA, read the excellent "Rehab Riviera" series by reporter Terry Sforza. Excellent. https://www.ocregister.com/rehab-riviera/

Our legislature knows that the ACA and our permissive policies cause more addicts to come here and to enrich rehab centers and do nothing about it. Also, you can watch "Body Brokers" on Amazon which is a movie about this phenomenon. Not only are we tolerating addiction, we are encouraging it and sending people out across the country to bring more addicts here!

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Supporting rehab as a facade without supporting making people actually change their behavior is a sign of sickness in wokist religion. The term “antinomian” means a religious tenet that only needs to be held, not actually lived up to. For example, jetting off to summits on climate change, public officials not wearing masks in public during the middle of a mask ban one’s government ordered. Calvinists got into a terrible mess with antinomianism. It reflects an inversion where personal private morality has been supplanted by false public morality. Watergate was a major development of antinomian tendencies. Getting rid of Nixon and his henchmen was appropriate… prolonged outrage at the alleged immorality of one side when the other side was also dirty was not. LBJ’s Administration was far more corrupt than Nixon’s… but Katharine Graham and all her Commie friends… friends like the leftist domestic terrorists we have today… weren’t out to get LBJ… just Nixon.

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022

If Harm Reduction had a clear, scheduled and worked to drug use exiting point, then it may have some 'merit'. However, pro-drug activists misusing faux compassion memes to avoid scrutiny of their failing 'Harm Reduction ONLY' platforms is the policy/practice cancer that must be excised from this sector.

The simple question one must ask of any drug policy platform is this.... Does this policy/practice reduce, remediate or facilitate recovery from drug use - Exiting drug use? Or, does it enable, equip, empower and/or endorse ongoing drug use? Yes, this is a wretched mess, and tough calls have to be made. Harm Reduction is not compassion, it's a cop out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjMD6CE0nx0&list=PLTMqlfT-1C1x7ekCSxIhF6HMjHBqMAK6n

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No questions asked food banks are a tenet of wokist religion. When you ask who asks about the gambling or drug addiction consuming the family income so that they need free food, they stare at you as if you came from another planet.

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Is it Hunters new paid position to hand out Crack Pipes to POC?

Equity you know.

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Michael recognizes that there may be a role for supervised drug sites. Ideally, these sites would provide the drugs to users directly, rather than allowing them to use drugs they bought on the street. By providing the drugs, supervised sites can put a dent in the local drug trade. As it stands now, the Linkage Center is actually making it easier for addicts to use drugs they bought on the black market, enriching cartels. This is the problem with establishing a supervised drug site in a stealth manner (as SF has done), rather than as a result of an explicit policy decision open to public debate.

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Fox News just broke the story of Federal Government-funded distribution of crack pipes in poor areas. Bidencide…

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I'm retired LAPD (1980-2000) and lifelong LA resident who moved to Florida last year. In your book and interviews you miss serious fundamentals: 1) rehab's 99% failure rate, 2) the ongoing use of street drugs during "treatment" and 3) the uninterrupted property crimes committed to acquire those drugs. Unless housed and treated in a SECURE facility AND without a significant stake in society, your ideas will change nothing. I researched a real solution during the 1980s that is cost effective, realistic, constitutional, and will reduce costs, crime, AND prison populations. I sent you an email. I can help you fill the gaps if you wish. Good luck.

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Completely agree. One of my best friends is a probation officer here. I get an earful. I studied wide range of social sciences including criminology and addiction classes and had my share of unpleasant experience with addicts and mentally ill. So I earned my street smarts. These cohousing support units are the most effective treatment. We can no longer put up with this volunteer nonsense. They people cannot be left up to their own agency.

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At least you admit your naivete. That is rare - good for you. Never make that mistake again. SJW's always lie. They always project, and they always double down.

Always. There are no exceptions.

It's an incredible bit of psychology that all they have to do is call someone a 'conservative', and make people afraid to 'vote republican', and these people can destroy a city, kill people, and get rich all the while.

That's incredible. I'm in NYC, and it's bad here, but not like this. Yet.

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Gavin shut down 12 Step Meetings in person. Non essential…..

Gavi is a globalist demon.

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Good point. Why aren't these people wearing masks? Are they vaxxed? How come they get to not only shoot up, ruin public spaces, and poop in the street, while the rest of us need a passport and a mask to go to a bar and wipe down a fifth of Jack?

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Feb 10, 2022·edited Feb 10, 2022

Because it’s Polical Science not Medical Science the Globalist Push.

If this was about our health, everything they are doing would not be happening.

Censorship or destroying Drs lives for showing how Ivermectin and HQC works! What kinda science shuts down cures or debate? They don’t.

This is pure Globalist Political Science to either kill or Rule over us all.

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Michael, why wouldn’t we sue Mayor, DPH, all the contractors involved in violating the State and Federal laws and jeopardizing public safety?

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It breaks my heart to see what is going on in San Francisco, a city that I love dearly. To witness so much suffering, desperation, hopelessness and loss. This is a city in mourning, a city that is grieving and in serious need of help.

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