The same Chris Krebs declared that the 2020 election was the most secure in history. Never mind the "Transition Integrity Project", statistical anomalies, and 3AM vote dumps. Keep shining a light on these crony commissars.

PS: Can't make this up - Krebs Stamos Group on Substack at https://intel.ks.group/

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How about some hand cuffs instead?

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The most interesting thing about this story is the slow boil. Everything they did was necessary and justified and sensible, so the project took on a life of its own. They were being oh so reasonable and providing a number of alternative AHEM recommendations AHEM to social media platforms. What a classic case of iron laws and even the most nascent institutions.

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Great reporting. Thank you.

One thing this makes obvious is our government is way too big. All these alphabet agencies, full of over-educated hall-monitor types. Our government needs to be significantly shrunk to protect ourselves from ourselves.

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States need to take back power. Repeal the 16th amendment and the shrink will happen fast.

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Sounds like we should start building statues celebrating the J6 protestors. They knew it was top down fraud and rightly protested it. Heroes.

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THIS is the epitome of DEEP STATE engagement. Everything.

Thank You Public writers.

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i've read the article twice and my brain hurts. It hurts a lot. I can not imagine the pain that was experienced unravelling all of this. So impressed

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This totalitarian nonsense has to end. Hopefully, it will ed PRIOR to the end of the American experiment.

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Time for a charitable organization to fund lawsuits, Citizens Suing Interfering Creeps (CSIC) to recover damages for those harmed by censorship. People who were successful on social media, like YouTube, were demonetized. Others suffered damage to their careers, including being fired for refusing the phony "vaccination."

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Alex and Michael, wonderful job reporting.

Truly bombshell news. Unfortunately the major news outlets have their heads in the sand on this one. Their ignoring this story shows How deeply in the tank they are. Disgusting.

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They built a censorship laundry. This is why I subscribe guys, TY

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Good news. Shared the headline with some friends who think everything is normal, and they confirmed that Mr Schellenberger is a right wing journalist . . . We are f'd.

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History will forever look back at the year 2020 and acknowledge that was when it all went to shit.

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No the shit has been in the cesspool for years. 2020 was when it bubbled up and overflowed.

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Bravo -- criminals !! But NOT yet in jail.

Eternal shame on Stanford University...

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This could be an amazing country if this much resources and manpower were put into doing good things instead of doing bad things. Did they even consider doing good things? Or is it a lifeling commitment to doing bad things?

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“Disinformation Forensic Research Lab,” (DRFLab)

"Democracy Eradication Research Project Lab," (DerpLab)

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Thanks for reporting on this to confirm what many of us knew. Unfortunately, nothing will change, no one will will face meaningful consequences, heck, half the US population thinks this is fine.

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I think we can’t be defeatist. We must get justice for what they’ve done. We mustn’t let up until these people are in jail for their crimes.

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Why is there still any debate over the 2020 election?

We know it was stolen by information control specifically the Hunter Biden laptop.

This is not up for debate, it’s established fact.

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Actually, it was stolen by Obama and the DNC, because Bernie would have swept the floor with Trump. However, he was just too ‘socialist’ (read old-guard, new -deal, FDR good government centrist Dem.) Having forcefully annointed a senile, serially corrupt, mendaciously cooperative idiot, they had to DO something to make sure he won...

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So when are these people going to be arrested for treason?

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Never for anything.

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Do we have any standing to make some citizen’s arrests? Lol.

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Probably never.

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