
Thanks for the detailed refutation of obvious media lies, Michael. I wish a few Republican politicians had the balls to take on the the issue of scientific accuracy in the media, as you have. The UN and the media "own" the science at this point. We have to take it back! The voting public are not all naive or gullible. Presented with well-documented facts over a period time, many of them can be won over.

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Republican politicians in the Uni-party are on the Davos payroll just like the Democrats.

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Those chosen to take part in the Reichstag Fire committee might as well have “traitor” painted on their forehead.

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Maybe some but the Dems are the worst.

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This is such an important article, among the others you have been writing. The only way the lies of government, academia and the media can be exposed and eventually discredited by the public is by this kind of careful, clear, well researched writing. The scale and reach of the propaganda is so mind-boggling that the 40-50 plus percent who consume it unthinkingly dismiss someone like me who tries to describe what is happening as a deluded purveyor of conspiracy theories. It is like the reaction of Felix Frankfurter to an eyewitness account of Holocaust horrors reported in Ken Burns' recent work, "I cannot believe what you are telling me."

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My sister, a retired scientist, can see holes in the Narrative involving fake science. The parts that involve detailed lying about Trump and elections she consumes without even noticing the lies.

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Another great statement of facts that belie the false narrative of climatic apocalypse.

I believe in science; the media believe in advancing a narrative. As they used to openly say in television journalism, “If it bleeds it leads”. Meaning journalism is prone to sensationalism.

Sadly today, even once-reputable newspapers are knowingly regurgitating the “climate narrative.” Worst yet still, it is not even to sell more newspapers -but to conform.

What sheep!!

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It is really sad and infuriating to witness what has happened to journalism in the past 6ish years. The legacy media has abandoned any traditional notion of journalism (loosely, the practice of uncovering and presenting facts and following where they lead, as opposed to arriving with a preconceived narrative and fitting all facts and ideas to it) and instead they've become Narrative Enforcement Agents, where there is a single consensus on every issue held by the Serious People (the elite who believe they're "saving democracy") and everyone who disagrees needs to be smeared, denounced, and hounded out of polite society.

I think it started with the Trump Russia hysteria, which was the route the legacy media (and their customers) and our legacy institutions took instead of looking in the mirror and admitting they were part of the reason a tacky game-show host defeated "the most qualified candidate in history".

And I guess once you've already denounced half your population as rubes, racists or racist rubes (in for a penny in for a pound) the next step was wielding every narrative like a cudgel to batter your opponents. Even when Russiagate unraveled it was still Official Truth (aint returning those Pulitzers!) and then it was off to the races w so many distortions: Trump as Hitler, Putin as Hitler, Covid as Black Plague (at least until everyone agreed "Systemic Racism" was the real virus) , the lab-leak theory was 1000% false, vaccines 1000% effective at stopping spread with zero side effects, the punitive enforcement of mandates, and now the next manufactured emergency: if you don't submit to our Net Zero fantasies the world is going to end!!

I guess official American journalism now means you either enforce the Official Narrative in all settings at all costs, ignore any contradictory info or context, or else look for a new line of work. And as we can see, there will always be people willing to say or do anything if it allows them to keep their paychecks and status.

But, hey, if they hadn't renounced their own principles and destroyed their own credibility, I wouldn't have found Substack or the great Michael Shellenberger...so there's a bright side to everything!

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I agree with what you are saying, but never underestimate the power of human stupidity. It is perfectly possible for the USA to follow Cuba, Venezuela and South Africa into racially charged authoritarian or totalitarian government if stupid people choose it. If they do, Caucasians are going to have to start considering their options. We are dangerously close to the beginnings of the Nazi regime... especially when one realizes that Klaus isn’t even a neo-Nazi: he is an actual Nazi. So are many of the people behind the WEF.

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I don't like Klaus but I never saw him give the Nazi salute or claim he was Nazi. This is pure propaganda on your part and you should stop it. I discount everything you write at this point unless you admit that you have no proof of this.

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I do not have proof. However, his actions display a callous disregard for human life… so-called “transhumanism”… similar to that of Mengele and other Nazis. If you want to ”discount everything I have said” for ideological impurity, by all means go ahead. That is what most self-styled “progressives” already do to Michael.

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Thank you. I won't ignore you.

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I do agree that his actions display a callous disregard for human life. But it isn't the same as Mengele and other Nazi's. They had to know what they are doing is wrong. It isn't clear to me that Klaus knows it. Although he probably should.

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Ecofascism is the true progeny of German Nazism. WEF expounds Ecofascist philosophy. It began with Nazis in WW2 Germany and after the war Nazism morphed into Ecofascism.

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

– Maurice Strong, founder of UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program)

Eco-fascism: “… A totalitarian government that requires individuals to sacrifice their interests to the well-being and glory of the “land”, understood as the splendid web of life, or the organic whole of nature, including peoples and their states”. Sound familiar? Greta?

Ecofascism: Lessons from the German Experience, Janet Biehl and Peter Staudenmaier

Fascist Ecology: The “Green Wing” of the Nazi Party and its Historical Antecedents, by Peter Staudenmaier:


Dark Green II: Roots of Eco-Fascism:


William Kay on Ecofascism and Nazi Germany:


William Kay on Ecofascism and Landlordism:


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I am the last person who would ever underestimate the power of human stupidity, it is infinite and eternal, and all of us (no matter how smart or accomplished) inevitably contain our own special brand of stupidity...that being said, I'm also a believer in Godwin's Law, so I don't know about Nazis under every bed, but as for your prior examples (some form of quasi-Communist collapse or dissolution into ethnic Bantustans like in a prison yard) I do believe are distinct future possibilities.

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It is way more than 6 years. It has been going for hundreds of years. Read Orwell on the Spanish war. Propaganda is more effective now with the Internet. Remember when everyone believed the Internet was going to set things right. What malarkey. The internet is the biggest propaganda spreader of all time. and you know who are the best propagandists...the intelligence services. They are trained to do it.

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Anyone who tries to advance the Nazi agenda must eventually be overthrown. That includes any left-wing parties that try to tap into Nazism... not just right-wing parties. The Nazis were equal opportunity racists and nationalists. The far Left of the Labour Party and the far right of the Tory Party both admired Hitler and tried to align their factions with Nazi Germany.

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As I said above Nazism morphed into Ecofascism after WW2. And WEF, the Davos crowd, the Central Bank Psychopath Club-of-Rome Malthusian Parasites all promote Ecofascist Ideology or Religious Crackpotism. They are THE menace to humanity. And Mother Nature also. Sick, demented people. Just listen to this creep.

Depopulation: "I Hope It Can Occur In a Civil Manner"

"The World can support something like a billion people, maybe two billion"

" I know in one way or another it's going to come back down so I don't hope to avoid that, I hope that it can occur in a civil way "

(i.e. Plandemic and deadly forced vaccines):

Club of Rome former director Dennis Meadows:


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This article may be of interest to you:


The tldr is that we're in a new Dark Age caused by the following:

1. Intellectuals have greatly underestimated the complexity of the world.

2. Specialization has made people stupid.

3. The lack of conceptual clarity in mathematics and physics has caused a lack of conceptual clarity everywhere else. These disciplines underwent foundational crises in the early 20th century that were not resolved correctly.

4. The methods of scientific inquiry have been conflated with the processes of academia.

5. Academia has been corrupted by government and corporate funding.

6. Human biology, psychology, and social dynamics make critical thinking difficult.

Now add this to the business model of the modern Corporate Press which is to generate hype and clicks over communicating truth.

Fellow Substacker wrote about this years ago after he made some quick bucks off all the page hits to his Medium blog after a mass shooting. "Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release" may just be burned into your brain after reading this.


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thanks, I love HWFO

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Thanks for this as always. I'd only quibble that David Leonhardt has done a good job on COVID--he has been a magnificent distorter of the underlying data and consistently ignored, like all media, the science that is ideologically inconvenient. He is among the worst offenders in that regard, in fact, though the whole paper has been disgraceful on COVID, especially vaccine efficacy and safety.

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TheNarrativeTM has worn thin. Thanks for further fraying their fraudulent fabric.

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Thanks Michael. You are always enlightening. Unfortunately I am going to stop reading the comments here since almost all of them use the Left's ignorance about energy and their exaggeration of climate change effects to paint them as wrong about everything right across the political board. Believe me, guys and gals, you are never going to get progressives to listen to you on energy and climate as long as you engage in propaganda and hyperbole. I've been a proud Democrat for 58 of my 76 years, and the main reason I don't call myself a progressive is that progressives engage in the same kind of propaganda and hyperbole that I've been reading far too much of on this forum from the opposite end of the political spectrum.

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Yes, both sides propagandize on all things. What has this got to do with the article though. At least you realize that both sides use propaganda. Most people don't realize this.

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I’ll be glad when the boomers are gone. Worst generation

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No, millennials have bought into the propaganda and scams more than the boomers. Just look at how they love wind & solar power.

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I believe the leaders of the CCP are all heads of personal crime families and see their flavor of Communism as an opportunity to steal with both hands. It is that aspect of the Soviet and Chinese systems that are parasitic.. and California’s Democratic Party leaders are a bunch of racketeers that call themselves progressives because they see money in it. Remember all the leftists that denounced Stalin as a reactionary… Beria’s NKVD killed Trotsky but there were many more that survived in exile. It is not as leftists that most of us denounce the Chinese leaders but as unprincipled thieves and committers of crimes against humanity.

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The whole idea of global warming is based on a lie. NASA can measure the earths heat and they don't see a buildup. CO2 cannot be a problem because 8 billion humans inhale O2 and exhale CO2 as do most other forms of life including fish in the ocean.

As I( have pointed out previously, the earth itself gives off heat. To me it seems obvious in that if the earth did not give off heat it would soon attain the temperature of outer space, which is near absolute zero.

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Michael, I think there is an additional question that should be asked. If they are lying about it what do they expect to gain from this lie? Do they expect to get the public to absolutely believe that climate change is real and that action must be taken to address it? Maybe just maybe the issue isn't climate change but in fact getting the actions taken to address it is their real goal. Because those actions imply someone has the power to take those actions. So maybe it is just raw power they seek.

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maybe? LOL. power corrupts absolute power corrupts absolutely

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“ Good science always wins in the end, even if it takes a little while.” - I wish. But, this isn’t true.

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A lie that takes society toward “progress” is true by the CCP’s definition of truth: whatever advances the Revolution. This is also the California Democratic Party’s definition of truth... it has totally sold out to the CCP. We will see how much power this position has within the national Democratic Party by examining their behavior during the midterms. The more they try to throw the midterms, the more committed they are to hard-core lying to get their way.

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In this context, “throw” means “change the reported result by lying and cheating”.

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"The role of the corporate press isn't merely to train the population as to what to think. It is there to train them regarding what to think about--or what not to think about." -Michael Malice

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Have you read about The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis by Javier Vinos and Andy May? If so, I would be interested to know what you think about their ideas. I can’t speak for them, but in my naive understanding it seems they suggest that meridional transport of energy and moisture (which in turn is correlated with solar activity?) is a major (perhaps the most significant) control knob for climate change.

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Thanks, I would like to add that when I search tor technical info that was available at one time cannot be found. They have removed everything contrary to their point of view. They have a lot of power, but they can be brought to justice by civil action.

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Thanks, Micheal. You made my blood boil - again!

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I remember evidence of statistics fraud a few years ago regarding the cherry picking of temperature measurements by climate "scientists" that questioned the very existence of climate warming. By selecting only the highest readings from the multiple reporting weather stations the green wienies were able to "report" global warming that wasn't in accord with the averaging of all such data. I haven't believed anything they have said since then.

Fauci and company, no doubt, learned from them. Mark Twain wrote, "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics." While I recognize the weakness inherent in trying to bolster an argument with a comedian's quote, I reply that Mark Twain was much more than just a comedian. He was an astute observer of human nature. And a pithy quote often jolts us into paying closer attention.

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