Not a Californian but you’ve gained my respect since “Apocalypse Never”. This kind of honest and straight approach is, in my opinion, what much of the country needs.

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Pretty good stuff, Michael. As you know from comments I've made to your posts over the past weeks, I am a supporter, but have questioned whether you are going to be tough enough to accomplish what you seek.

You will not have a " base" in the state legislature, so you are going to be entirely dependent on your ability to scare the shit out of enough sitting legislators and bureaucrats. Terminator tried that but the machine eventually got him. To have a mandate takes more than winning an election, even by a sizable margin.

You need a voice that comes closer to a preacher leading a cult-like following. Sound crazy? Yes. But without a serious following in the voting populace the "machine" will just ignore you and run you over. Keep honing the message, but find ways to make it harder, and for god's sake, speak to the needs not just of the homeless, but the needs and aspirations of the vast base of people who do live in homes, who do work, who want the homeless madness, the energy nonsense to be properly managed. You are seeking election by those folks, not the homeless. Don't ever forget that.

Good luck. Do not be afraid, speak plainly, with sincerity, and with honesty. But, never forget that you are seeking to lead the rational people, not a segment or voting bloc.

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Great idea to not forget about the middle class. But "cult-like following" - avoid that one, Mr. Schellenberger. That's a bad road to go down.

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You sir, are getting my vote. Good luck 🖤🖤🖤

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While I support most of what you're running on, in what way is the "Right" considered by you to be "radical" regarding wokeness? If you're referring to the FL governor as being "right," is allowing for parents to be more involved in their children's education "radical" to you? If you're referring to the misrepresented "Don't Say Gay" bill, did you look at that before assuming what the bill said? It's very tiresome the way politicians have to lump the "right" or "far right" with the censorship, grooming, and other radical or unconstitutional actions being done by the left. I realize this is done to make the left feel better, but it's unfair to those of us who are not left to be misrepresented this way. I barely see any Republicans doing anything to stop this woke train wreck that's destroying our country and rotting the large Democrat-run cities, let alone being "radical" about anything.

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Apr 12, 2022·edited Apr 13, 2022

FYI, the Washington Post link is wrong. A search on WAPO doesn't bring up the Q&A either.

BTW, great Q&A. Makes me want to move back to CA just so I can vote for you.

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Both “Apocalypse Never” and "San Fransicko" are great reads, I support your Run for CA Governor. Marijuana Legalization is a problem, in that the perception is that it cannot be abused or have addiction issues. The Marijuana Industry needs to be reined in and not market it as it is Cool,. Young people need to have a perception of marijuana can harm. You are right to put the same limits that tobacco and alcohol have. Good Luck!

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having just left California, I find your campaign bittersweet. On one hand I want my home state to turn things around and realize it’s potential. To be a place of prosperity and opportunity for all californians. On the other, I want the idiots that run the state (and those that vote for them) to see the consequences of their actions.

It cannot be a feel-good free ride all the time. I’ve lost my job and many of my family and friends to this ideology. I never thought in a million years I’d have to explain to my fellow California Liberals, that just because the government tells you to do something “for your own good” you should just do it. I thought “my body, my choice” was a universal, not exclusive to “birthing people”.

I wish you all the best Mr. Shellenberger with your campaign.

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With Dominion voting machines? Software code voting CANNOT be trusted, not in a million years.

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Have you, will you, take campaign money from environmental lobbyists?

It's got be humans first, not environment first.

We need citizen panels involved in overseeing the G&Es "public" utilities pricing. It's not like we can shop around for the best price on natural gas and electricity. The public should have a say on the pricing of PUBLIC utilities. It should be a public utilities' priority to use reliable, efficient, and reasonably priced "energy". We pay for "green/renewable" energy with taxpayer funded subsidies, then we pay again in our electric bill. The "tiered" pricing is terrible and charging more for "time of day" usage is ridiculous.


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got my vote. sounds like you have a good plan. not like newscum. and the democrat corrupt machine. republicans are not perfect either . but the democrats are off the rails to crazy town!

they (LEFT) the middle class years ago. pun intended. good luck

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My sister sent me a link, showing your San Fransicko book and The title alone, was intriguing enough for me to dig deeper. I ended up here. I hate the word “refreshing”, but as a lifelong Californian(Escondido, currently), who over the years, has watched, as her beloved state go straight down the shitter- even to the point, where(sadly) she dreams of leaving, it’s hard to find another word to describe my feelings, after reading some of the proposals you’d like to put in effect, IF given the chance. It’s obvious, you’ve put a lot of time, thought and care into saving this glorious state and I appreciate that. Unlike the pregnant cockroach of a governor we currently have, who pretends to care about us, I get the feeling, you really DO care.

I like the idea of panels, because I believe the ONLY way to fix this sizzling, hot, mess we live in, is to do it from the inside, out. There’s such a variety of issues, as you go up the state and no one knows them better, than the residents who face them, day after day. We live them and I think it would be nice to be heard and/or considered. I have a few myself, so please, PLEASE, feel free to look me up, if the chance does arrive.I’m on it. I’m also, going to be on reading San Fransicko. In the meantime, I’ll stay tuned to your name. Best of luck to you, Sir!

C.D. Griffin

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“Wokeism”? Every time someone presents themselves to me as “Woke” they have verbally identified themselves as Democrat. (I do not identify as any political party myself)

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I like you a lot. I have a tough time stomaching that you admit voting for Biden. That burns me because Biden has always been awful and now is incompetent and awful. That being said, I did learn a great deal about you on Joe Rogan. I am not a Californian but I am rooting for your stance on drugs and homelessness and I am a proponent of nuclear energy.

I think California is a lost cause but maybe someone like you could change that.

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