Counterpopulism Behind CIA Role In Social Media Censorship
We need a bipartisan Blue Ribbon commission to reform America’s Intelligence Community

The idea that the US intelligence community (IC), which is comprised of 18 government agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), carries out influence operations in the United States is a conspiracy theory, say journalists and anti-disinformation researchers. There is no evidence in the Twitter Files or elsewhere that the CIA and other intelligence agencies have improperly interfered in domestic politics, they say.
But the Twitter Files - CIA reveals that they did. The Twitter Files - CIA showed how the main investor in a censorship consulting firm, “Alethea Group,” which tried to take over Twitter’s content moderation and subjugate it to the IC, is on the board of the CIA’s venture fund. The mission of the CIA’s fund, In-Q-Tel, is not to make money but rather to support the CIA’s mission, which it is “to gather and share intelligence to protect our Nation from threats.” Alethea Group’s top analyst came right from the CIA and its other top analyst was an intelligence analyst for the Department of Defense (DOD).
And the two individuals within Twitter who advocated and arranged for the hiring of the Alethea Group were the former General Counsel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and a longtime DOD Research and Development (DARPA) executive. The latter “engaged with members of US intelligence agencies and sought to enter a formal agreement that would allow him to work with them and provide information to them,” according to Twitter executives.