CIA Says Covid Likely Originated From Lab In Tacit Admission Of Illegal Cover-Up
The intelligence agency conducted an analysis pointing to a lab leak but did not release it, contrary to specific law

For years, scientists, government officials, and journalists called the idea that Covid-19 leaked from a lab in Wuhan, China a “conspiracy theory.” The lab leak hypothesis, they claimed, was “xenophobic,” “racist,” “destructive,” “prejudiced,” and “thoroughly debunked.” When Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton said in January 2020, “We still don’t know where the coronavirus originated,” the media swooped in to characterize his statements as “fringe.” Cotton was “playing a dangerous game,” said CNN. He was acting “Just like the Soviet propagandists who tried to convince the world that the CIA invented AIDS,” tweeted Atlantic staff writer Anne Applebaum.
But now the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has concluded that Covid-19 most likely emerged from a lab leak in Wuhan, an agency spokesman said in a statement on Saturday.